A basic rule of composition is to divide your frame into thirds and then place the subject at the intersection of the lines, or "sweet spots," allowing the eye to take in the entire scene.
2. Unusual Focus:
Things we can do to make the backgrounds nice and soft, leaving just the subject in focus and standing out dramatically from its surroundings.
3. Zoom In:
Zooming in or out with your zoom lens while taking a shot is another way to create motion and dimension.
4. Embrace Negative Space:
Empty space does not mean wasted space. Think of the empty space as an object, and lend the same consideration to its placement as you would other elements in the frame.
5. Reverse the Active Space Rule: Rather than leave space in the frame for your subject to move into, as the active space rule suggests, try to do the opposite. Photographing your subjects moving out of, rather than into, the frame creates a sense of movement—and interest about what is being left behind.